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Happy 100th Loeb Classical Library!

The Loeb Classical Library celebrates 100 years this year. You can read all about the history of this monumental series over at Wikipedia.  But even better, you can start reading the classics themselves thanks to a cool site that has streamlined digital access to these wonderful books.

Also, you can share your love of Loebs in a new-ish Flickr group for folks who love the series.

There is lots of amazing work going on all the time to preserve and share these ancient texts– and more discoveries to be made!  Here is William Noel from the Walters Museum of Art in a recent TED Talk about revealing Archimedes.  PS, thanks TED people for getting a recording out shortly after it was actually made!


Ralph Ellison speaks.

I was catching up on some podcast listening this week, and heard the folks at Bookrageous talk about “one hit wonder” authors.  One of my favorites is Ralph Ellison.  A fascinating interview with Ralph Ellison has been digitized from the archives of my old work place, the Oklahoma Historical Society, and as of this writing has about 10 views. Thanks OHS for making this available to everyone to see.

You can browse Ralph Ellison’s personal library on Library Thing’s Legacy Library project.

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While you were out…

So, you understand I wasn’t just sitting around all winter waiting for the blog to unfreeze, I was up to a few things, and now I can finally share.

I started using Tumblr for things that don’t quite fit the format here.  The first is like the Exile Bibliophile blog but on tumblr, just like the blog only less wordy: http://exilebibliophile.tumblr.com/. Also, I should note completely different content than the blog.  Tumblr also makes it easy to run audio content, which is something I’ve wanted to do with Exile Bibliophile for a while — a podcast.  I know it’s very 2007 of me, but I can’t help it.  If I ever get one “in the can” as they say in the “biz”, I’ll be the first to tell you so.

I also started a Tumblr dedicated to library ink stamps —  http://libraryinkstamps.tumblr.com/, which has been surprisingly popular and features daily posts.   I’ve also started another dedicated entirely to errata slips http://fixedinprint.tumblr.com/ — this one is a little slower going, but is picking up steam.  The errata slip tumblr was created in response to a conversation on twitter and then it got out of hand.  You know how it is.

Of course, you can find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BLClark

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After battling Google over a snafu with 2-step verification, I’m back!  Egads.  I’ll have a few old posts that never went up because of the lock-out, and updates too.

I have several updates in the hopper, but I’m hitting the road tomorrow for what will be a great time in Great Falls, Montana to be one of the speakers for their Festival of the Book series.  So, briefly, if you can catch me, please do at the Great Falls Public Library this Saturday at 2 pm.  They’ve also got some other good stuff lined up on other Saturdays, so check it all out.  More to follow.

Book Trade Labels spotted!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on book trade labels, but believe me, they are never far from my heart.  Over Thanksgiving, the Mrs. and I took a pleasant trip to visit friends and our old stomping grounds in Oklahoma.  Luckily for me I was able to  include nearly all the surviving used and indie bookshops in Oklahoma City– and a new one!

I made quite a haul home in my suitcase, and had to ship a goodly sized box back to Montana as well.

One of the books I bought on an impulse was Barbara Hodgson‘s The Tattooed Map.  What initially caught my eye on the Clearance shelf at the new Half-Price Books in Edmond, Oklahoma was the Chronicle Books colophon on the spine– these folks put out wonderful books.  Always worth a flip through at the very least.

What a surprise when I did. It was a constant flow of beautiful ephemera reproduced throughout.  Then, closer to the back, bookseller labels started popping up.  I include here only three of the six.  They came out a little blurry.  I think my scanner is just too much for my rickety desk and that’s what’s causing that.  They really are beautifully reproduced in the book.  I found myself running my fingers over things and surprised it wasn’t pasted in.

Maps, books, and ephemera play an important role throughout the story, although it really isn’t about that.  Newspaper clippings, receipts, business cards, fold-out maps, are complimented with exact details (like library stamps on the backs of maps) and handwritten lists and notes throughout.

As a story, it didn’t blow me away, but it’s gotten better in my mind with a few days of perspective.  Hodgson has produced a few other books described as Illustrated Novels along similar principles, but this was my first.  Hodgson’s more recent book, Trading In Memories, about being an ephemera hunter sounds great!

About the Author: Benjamin L. Clark writes and works as a museum curator.

Exile Bibliophile the Tumblr Edition

I’ve started an Exile Bibliophile tumblr edition, in hopes to lay groundwork for a podcast.  So, I’ll have fewer of the posts like the previous here, but even more bibliophilic content in general.  You can find it here: http://exilebibliophile.tumblr.com/.  The tumblr will NOT replace or likely displace any posts here.  It’ll be business as usual on the blog, but even more goodies here: http://exilebibliophile.tumblr.com/.  So, check it out already!

2011 Montana Festival of the Book

The new art is out, and they’ve now released the roster of presenters too!  On the list, I’m between Edwardo Chirinos and John Clayton.  They’ve also released a schedule of sorts— I’m sure there will be tweaks, but it’s great to see it finally.  Looks like they’ve settled my seminar on book collecting into a great spot on Saturday afternoon.

Overall– I’m pretty excited.  I’ve not had many chances to promote book collecting in a flesh and blood setting, but I’m thrilled to get the chance.  Surely I’ll wish I could have changed something by the end of it, but that’s what next year is for, right?

If you’re in Montana, don’t miss out– heck from my desk, almost the entire state of Idaho and most of Washington, Utah and Wyoming are closer than I am, so come on out Oct. 6-8 to Missoula, Montana, one of Montana’s gem cities.  I’m sure you’ll be glad you did.


1990s, Borders Book Shop, gift label

It sounds like this is the final week for Borders stores to be open. I happened to find this tiny label last week amongst some books for another project I’ll talk about more soon. It was used to cover the printed price on the back of a trade paperback– I imagine they were used inside dust jackets as well at that time– my book was from 1992 (iirc). Really a tasteful solution to keep people from price clipping dustjackets or gouging off prices off the rear cover of a paperback. Now in my collection of book trade labels, though a little different. I like it. Anyone ever seen different varieties? Anyone seen a price-cover-up sticker/ label from another bookshop?

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Montana Festival of the Book 2011

I’m excited. I got my letter today from Humanities Montana officially inviting me to participate in the Montana Festival of the Book in October. It seems they’ve never had much from collectors, the people who celebrate books as objects, but more on texts, from the writer’s and reader’s perspectives. They’ve requested a Book Collecting 101 session/ workshop. More details to follow as we get a little closer to the conference and they figure out if I’m fish or foul. I wasn’t able to attend last year since I had another event at the same time and it’s on the other side of the state, and well, Montana’s big. From where I live in northeast Montana to Missoula (site of the MT Festival of the book) is something like 600 miles. One way. About the same distance as driving to Minneapolis. But, it’ll be worth it.