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“Bingo.” At the intersection of History & Slang


I can get swept along when writing, especially when writing dialogue. I’ve heard this state of writing is called “flow,” which makes sense. Cruising along in my current story, set sometime around 1935, and out of the mouth of one of my characters comes the word “Bingo.”  I’ve never used the word outside the game with the balls and whirly wheels myself, but this fictional gent decided to say it in my story.  It jolted me out of the writing, and I thought: Did anyone even use the word Bingo in the 1930s?  It’s just one of the things I worry about.

File:Feature. Bingo Game, 4555 N.D.G. Avenue BAnQ P48S1P06825.jpg
A Bingo winner, sitting with other players, raises his hand. This game took place in Montreal on 31 January 1941. Image via Wikimedia


In my story, I mean “Bingo” in the sense of “you got it,” not “I have aligned 5 arbitrary letter-number combinations; give me a prize.”  Etymological dictionaries on my shelf say maybe Bingo goes back to 1815, the other says maybe only 1936 without much explanation.  Not very helpful. I want my stories to capture language as it was used, to sound natural but be historically … well, probable, if not absolutely, strictly correct.

Etymological dictionaries say it was used in 1815, so yes, it would be fine in a story set in the 1930s, but it isn’t good enough. In historical research, we sometimes get to the point of proving if something was at all possible and ignore if it was probable. It’s setting a too low bar for historical accuracy.

This is where Google Books’ Ngram Viewer can be helpful.  It uses the collective bajillion-zillion words scanned by Google Books and charts them by year published. You can use it to chart a word or phrase’s popularity in all of GoogleBooks 450 million scanned published works.  It’s not definitive and may not perfectly reflect normal conversation, but it is certainly helpful to see how frequently the word was used in print. I does not include newspapers, which would be *very* useful if it would.

It turns out 1930-something isn’t a great time for the word Bingo.  It was around and was used earlier, according to this chart, but has been climbing in popularity since then. The true high-water mark came in 1976, apparently.  I have no idea why that would be, but that’s for someone else to chase.  I have a story to get back to.


Like this post? Here’s more about historical research:
How to know Things are Bound to get Worse
ow to Research History like a Novelist

About the Author: Benjamin L. Clark writes and works as a museum curator.

Noir Renaissance?

A Noir Renaissance?

Probably the best essay I’ve read on noir fiction in a very long time, addressing the whiteness of noir, and the potential of its resurgence, making the point that noir has a place in protest literature.  I think it absolutely has that chance, but not many writers take it.  I certainly haven’t, but it’s something I’ll think about.

Nicholas Seeley, the author of the article, gives a good definition of noir stories as well:

By “noir,” I mean something more than a general tone of bleakness and dysfunction. … Anglo-American fiction evolved in the grip of a controlling public morality, which demanded the representation of behavior only within certain socially acceptable lines. The classic crime story, the kind written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Dame Agatha Christie, is the whodunit: it takes place in an essentially orderly universe, with a common understanding of good and evil. Crime here is a dangerous anomaly, but order can be restored by a hero-detective who investigates and, eventually, unmasks the criminal: revealing evil for what it is, giving it a physical location in an individual, and in the process, re-affirming the innocence of the other characters.

Noir, as it emerged in the middle of a violent century, said to hell with all that. Its world was chaotic, baroque and hypocritical. Crime doesn’t disturb this world, it’s foundational to it. Noir stories gave the stage to criminals and their motivations, which range from unspeakable passions to a firm conviction that their particular crime serves a greater good. A detective may pursue such a criminal, but noir reveals the line between them to be a product of chance and circumstance—if, indeed, such a line exists at all.

Courtesy The Internet Archive


To new beginnings

Notebook and coffee

This is definitely not my first blog post.

I had a blog about book collecting and bibliophilia for many years over on blogger.  I’m active over on tumblr too, but that isn’t so much blogging as a constant stream of amusing/pretty/cool stuff.  I post a lot of photos and quotes and things I happen to like, (i.e. typewriters. I love me some typewriters.)  It’s more immediate too, so there will be music links and funny memes, you know, tumblr stuff. Here, I’ll share links to articles, tools, and especially historic research resources I find helpful.  I may occasionally post music to write to, or cool images.

Here, I’ll talk about my research, my writing, whatever I’m working on as I progress toward my writing goals.  What are those goals?  Well, in the short-term, I’ve managed to get a piece of flash-fiction placed with cool series from Akashic Books.  Next is to finish another short (but longer than flash) piece and get it placed somewhere.  Longer term, I’m working on what I’m seeing as a novella series, and then another series of full-length novels.  Both series are historic thrillers/mysteries. One of those series grabbed me by the collar and is dragging me along.

What I’m working on now: a novella set in and around 1930s Denver. I was not alive in the 1930s nor have I lived in Denver, so there’s some research to do.  This story also features a main character who I think will be a series character.  Anyway, the short has been a lot of fun, using info I’ve dug up previously, but haven’t used.

I’ve gotten to know the main character  in this one pretty well.  He first appeared as a supporting cast member of my first attempt at a novel back in 2007 or so.  Through edits, rewrites, and dumping the whole thing and starting over a couple times, he’s emerged as one of the two main characters of that novel — he was too fascinating, and too much fun to hang out with compared to my original main character.

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Anyway, thanks for reading.  No spoilers, but amazing poster served as a bit of inspiration this week:
