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Happy Birthday Emily Dickinson!

Happy Birthday to Emily Dickinson, who was born this day in 1830.

The one thing we were able to accomplish (really) during my time with the Bibliophiles of Oklahoma, was a donation of a Washington Irving volume to Emily Dickinson personal library project: Replenish the Shelves at the Emily Dickinson Museum.

Washington Irving has an interesting connection to Oklahoma having visited here when it was practically a mission to the moon to accomplish. It made an easy choice. I wonder if there was a Montana connection to Emily Dickinson’s library? I may need to get her a birthday present.


2 Replies to “Happy Birthday Emily Dickinson!”

  1. But we did have a good beer or two (and the company wasn't bad either!) I've tried to reach you several times recently by email, but they might not be getting through. I'm at the same address–we need to catch up! Hope you're all doing well…


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