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In The Museum: Some Days are Not Glamorous

Glasses with built in hearing aidsNot every day in the museum involves solving mysteries surrounding JFK, tracking holy relics and appearing on TV. Some days, you’re working on exhibits about hearing aids.

These hearing aids are built into a pair of glasses. I wear glasses every day and these would be awful, even tiring to wear they’re so heavy.

And no, there’s no big reveal like these were found at Area 51 or were bequeathed to Elvis from Sasquatch. These are simply one evolutionary step in our current technology that helps so many people around the world hear.

Days like these may not sound very exciting, but every day is different and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Like this post? Here’s more about life behind the scenes in museums and archives:
BINGO! At the Intersection of History and Slang
How to know Things are Bound to get Worse
How to Research History Like a Novelist
In the Museum: A JFK Autograph Mystery

About the Author: Benjamin L. Clark writes and works as a museum curator.