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The Bibliophiles of Oklahoma

A big THANK YOU to Mr. Lewis Jaffe of Confessions of a Bookplate Junkie for mentioning the Bibliophiles of Oklahoma. I’ve certainly noticed that Lewis’s blog is read not only by bookplate collectors, but bibliophiles of all stripes. I hope those residents of Oklahoma would come on over and help me found The Bibliophiles of Oklahoma. It has been about a year since I decided to put myself out there to start a book collector club. Of course, I need other book collectors. The problem is, I haven’t met any. I do have the name of a university librarian who is willing to join once things get off the ground. I’ve also had an in-state bookseller offer lots of… feedback on the place holder website I threw up. If you’ve used your eyes at my blog (rather than on google reader or such) or ventured over to the BoOK site, you’ll see right away that I’m not very web savvy. Suggestions on improving the BoOK website, or my blog are welcome. Anyone know how to widen the usable area in the middle?

Thanks Lewis!